How does it work?

$Solcapa is at the core of the MemeFi economy. You can use $Solcapa to mint new, unique $Solcapa NFTs permissionlessly, or burn $Solcapa NFTs to retrieve that sweet sweet $Solcapa back. Every time you burn a $Solcapa NFT, 100,000,000 $Solcapa is burnt forever. This demonstrates how deflation works in our system. The max supply of $Solcapa is 10,000,000,000. NFT mints aren’t hard-capped but are limited by the $Solcapa supply. Each mint births a new unique Capa.




LP tokens are burnt, and contract ownership is renounced.

No Taxes, No Bullshit. It’s that simple.

🟒 86% add to Liquidity 🟒
🟒 3% Development 🟒
🟒 3% Partnership with Channels and Communities 🟒
🟒 3% NFT Pool & ... 🟒
🟒 3% CEX 🟒
🟒 2% Meme Contest & other Competitions 🟒


The maximum number of Capa NFT will never exceed 9,999, but the collection will always remain vibrant, fresh, and reflect the current narrative.